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Plastic bronzing: daily bronzing paper notes


Plastic bronzing: daily bronzing paper notes

When bronzing, different properties of gold paper ironing effect will be different, may accidentally, leading to bad major issues such as return. As we know, bronzing paper, generally the same color of gold paper, can be divided into a variety of categories......

When bronzing, different properties of gold paper ironing effect will be different, may accidentally, leading to bad major issues such as return.

As we know, gilded paper, usually of the same color, can be divided into several categories,

Such as: hot paper paper, hot glue, hot film, hot leather, hot cloth and so on,

But whatever it is, it can be subdivided into three categories

First: tight bottom (suitable for ironing small characters)

Second: neutral (some common daily, not too big area)

Third: loose bottom (suitable for hot large area class)

In bronzing goods, we must first good color, second hot to use the hand mold after the surface, check whether the gold powder will fall.

Especially over the oil, black paper, as long as a little gold powder, will cause the black paper will have gold powder on the whole surface

In the end, it led to serious consequences.

Plastic bronzing information