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The influence of printing before ironing and processing after ironing of anodized aluminum stamping process


The influence of printing before ironing and processing after ironing of anodized aluminum stamping process

The impact of printing before ironing and processing after ironing

General hot stamping products are printed before hot stamping, monochrome printing and multicolor printing; Hot stamping to press concave and convex, UV glazing, laminating, reprinting, die-cutting, paste box and other processing.

Before hot printing should pay attention to several points: dark thin printing, the use of strong coloring ink, in the ink as little as possible to add anti-adhesion agent and adhesive removal agent, try not to spray powder, printing ink, varnish and anodized hot stamping printing suiting match, should also prevent the impact of oil and ink crystallization on hot stamping.

After hot processing in the press concave and convex, die - cutting. Paste box on the hot stamping effect is not very big, just pay attention to prevent the scratch on the hot stamping foil. Hot stamping if you want to UV varnish, you should take into account the acceptability of anodized aluminum, that is, the surface tension of anodized aluminum is greater than the surface tension of UV varnish. If permitted, the hot stamping parts of some products can be hollow out. If according to the process requirements to first printing UV varnish and hot stamping, you should first check the UV varnish surface hot stamping suitability, generally test UV varnish film with Dane pen, the surface tension in 3.810-2N/M above can be carried out anodization hot stamping.

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